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Limited time "Matcha" flavor available!


This is plat hostel keikyu minowa forest.

How are you doing in these hot midsummer days?

A new addition to the drinks you can enjoy at Minowa Forest.

The current special flavor is matcha.

Recently, it has been attracting attention from overseas as a superfood due to increasing health consciousness, and is used in lattes, smoothies, sweets, and other products. Matcha's unique astringency seems to be popular among many overseas consumers.

Unlike coffee, matcha is said to be free of the "caffeine crash" caused by the rapid loss of caffeine's effects. In addition, matcha contains theanine, which has a relaxing effect, and the synergistic effect of theanine and caffeine is said to help people concentrate for longer periods of time.

At plat hostel keikyu minowa forest , you can enjoy such matcha in a casual setting.

It is sure to taste even better when paired with Japanese sweets!


In addition to special flavors for limited time periods, coffee and café latte are always available.

Since we use Dolce Gusto, you can taste the difference from instant coffee.

We also have a work space and kitchen available in the lounge on the first floor, so why not have a drink with your breakfast or work?

Also, from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm, it is BAR TIME, and drinks are available.

Why don't you refresh yourself in a cool space on a hot summer night?

Our hostel offers a special alcohol menu only at night.

We have a variety of Japanese alcoholic beverages that you can drink refreshingly even in the hot summer.

Please take a look at the menu we offer as follows.

We also sell snacks at the front desk to accompany your drinks, so please enjoy them with your alcoholic beverage.

Please order at the front desk when you stay with us.


