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plat hostel keikyu asakusa station "We'll try to make good memories so hard "

Hi This is plat hostel keikyu asakusa station.

It's 2021 now. I wish you a happy new year.

Come to think of the last year, there have been tons of things happening and tons of things you couldn't be able to do in 2020 during this difficult time.

Do you not have some things that you wanted to do?


During the Christmas season, although everything would probably get different from usual in this situation right now, we did Christmas decorations and drew some cute illustrations with our guests and that was such a precious memory.


Look at how cute his smile is.

This guy is Vietnamese who helped to decorate.

The great thing is that his Japanese was getting better by just communicating with others in the hostel.

This is what our long-term stay guest drew.

We're really grateful to him for always drawing a wonderful picture in season.


Another guy who is from Okinawa helped to decorate as well.Special thanks!

Through passing a lot of memories in December 2020, I realize that the hostel is, in a way, the place where we make a memory as well as its affordability. 2020 was the year when we got through a big difficulty all together.


The other day, we had a guest that got into English through having communication with others in the hostel even though he was here for its inexpensive price. Seeing him studying pronunciation in our hostel was something really glad to be.

We hope our hostel to be the place where there are always great discoveries and set some goals with it through communications.

In 2021, We'll definitely keep trying as hard as possible to make our hostel something that we'd be proud of.

【plat hostel keikyu asakusa station】

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