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Nearest train station "Anamori-Inari"

Hi there!

This is plat hostel keikyu haneda home.

Our nearest train station is Anamori Inari Station, which is about 7 mins by train from Haneda Airport.

Today we are going to introduce about the train station and around the area!


Keikyu airport line, Anamori-Inari statioin ticket gate

First,when you get out of train statioin, you will be greeted by a cute fox, Kon-chan.


And the front of train station, you will find a large torii gate.

駅前 稲荷.jpg

※Currently under renovation.

Then, do you all know the name of the place, Anamori Inari?

This is a station designed for those who visit Anamori Inari Shrine which is 3mins walk from train station.

This area was originally reclaimed for business.

In the Edo era, the sea was rough and the embankment collapsed, causing seawater to enter and causing enormous damage.

It is named after the divine virtue of protecting people from the damage of holes in the embankment. Hole is "ana", protect is "mamoru" in Japanese, put them together, and people call "Anamori"

After the Meiji era, it was very busy this area because they found hot springs and clamming place.

The old shops and shopping street near the train station are still remain and it is loved by many people, including locals.

On the way to our hostel you will see the warm shops and charming people, hope you will enjoy it!


I would like to show you into the charms of Anamori and Haneda from now on.

See you next time!